Payment Method

As you have an active customer account with L’Oréal, there is no need to pay at the time you place your order.  The order will be charged to your account once you have received an email invoice for your purchase order. 

In order to make sure your order can be released in a timely manner, please make sure you keep your account payment up to date. 

You can use any of the payment options listed below. 

L'Oréal Online Payment Portal

Use your L'Oréal Online Payment Portal account to pay online.

Login here:

If you do not yet have an account but would like to sign up, please contact us at [email protected]  

Alternatively, you can contact the Credit team on the following phone numbers:

Salons: 0800 657 666

Internet Address is on your Invoice Remittance Advice.


*This is the preferred payment method, and you can now use your same account login.

Direct Deposit: 

To pay by direct deposit, please use the following information: 

 BSB: 9429040690933
Account Name: L'Oreal New Zealand

Account No.: Please refer to your statement. 
Reference: Please make sure to include your 7-digit L’Oréal Payer Account Number so we can identify your payment.